Masked triggerfish - Sufflamen fraenatus Masked trigger fish Sufflamen fraenatus
Masked triggerfish


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Masked triggerfish - Sufflamen fraenatus

Species Name: Sufflamen fraenatus

Synonyms: Balistescapistratus, Sufflamen fraenatum, Balistes fraenatus, Sufflamen fraenatus, Sufflamen freanatus, Sufflamen frenatus, Sufflamen capistratus

Common Names: Masked triggerfish

Family: Balistidae (Triggerfishes)

Order: Tetraodontiformes (Puffers and filefishes)

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes)

Max.Size: 38.0 cm / 14.7 inch

Environment: Marine reef

Origin: Western and Eastern Indian Ocean, Northwest Western Central, Eastern Central and Southwest Pacific

Temperament: Harmless

Company: It is not recommendable to keep Sufflamen fraenatus (Masked triggerfish) in the same aquarium as fishes of the same species and of similar size.

Aquarium Setup: Sufflamen fraenatus (Masked triggerfish) must be given plenty of space; at least 40 gallons for a small specimen and no less than 100 gallons for an adult one. Their water should be kept in motion, they love to play among water jets and bubbles. Masked triggerfish also likes to dig. Keep the levels of ammonia and nitrite as close to zero as possible. The levels of nitrate should also be kept low, and never allowed to rise above 10 ppm. They will appreciate a pH value in the low eights and water temperatures in the 77-80 degrees F. range.

Food: Sufflamen fraenatus (Masked triggerfish) eats a varied diet in the wild, that includes fishes, mollusks, algae, worms, crustaceans, echinoids, detritus and tunicates. Suitable aquarium foods can include chopped up fish, mussels and shrimps. Feed your Masked triggerfish small servings several times a day.

Breeding: We have no information about Sufflamen fraenatus (Masked triggerfish) breeding in aquariums.

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Masked triggerfish - Sufflamen fraenatus