Finescale triggerfish - Balistes polylepis Finescale trigger fish Balistes polylepis
Finescale triggerfish


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Finescale triggerfish - Balistes polylepis

Species Name: Balistes polylepis

Synonyms: Balistes polylepis, Pseudobalistes polylepis, Balistes polylepis rubicundus

Common Names:Finescale triggerfish

Family: Balistidae (Triggerfishes)

Order: Tetraodontiformes (Puffers and filefishes)

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned Fishes)

Max.Size: 76.0 cm / 29.9 inches

Environment: Marine-reef

Origin: Eastern Central Pacific

Temperament: Harmless

Company: Balistes polylepis (Finescale triggerfish) should be kept with the same organism as can be found in their natural environment, as long as they won’t feed on each other.

Aquarium Setup: Balistes polylepis (Finescale triggerfish) are adaptable and tough fishes, and like an aquarium setup that will allow them to explore and investigate. They also need a rocky reef to wedge themselves into, since they must be allowed to sleep in tight rocky caves to feel secure. A large tank is necessary and the water must be well filtered and circulated. Skimming is also a big plus.

Food: Balistes polylepis (Finescale triggerfish) feeds on sea urchins, small crustaceans and mollusks. They eat almost everything in the wild and it is therefore quite easy to find suitable aquarium food for them. Make sure the diet is varied.

Breeding: We are unable to provide any information regarding the breeding of Balistes polylepis (Finescale triggerfish) in aquariums.

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Finescale triggerfish - Balistes polylepis