Boomerang triggerfish - Sufflamen bursa Boomerang triggerfish Sufflamen bursa
Boomerang trigger fish


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Boomerang triggerfish - Sufflamen bursa

Species Name: Sufflamen bursa

Synonyms: Balistes bursa, Sufflamen bursa, Hemibalistes bursa

Common Names: Boomerang triggerfish

Family: Balistidae (Triggerfishes)

Order: Tetraodontiformes (Puffers and filefishes)

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes)

Max.Size: 25.0 cm / 9.8 inch

Environment: Marine reef

Origin: Western and Eastern Indian Ocean Northwest, Western Central and Eastern Central Pacific

Temperament: Harmless

Company: It is advisable to keep Sufflamen bursa (Boomerang triggerfish) with organisms that are familiar to it in the wild.

Aquarium Setup: Sufflamen bursa (Boomerang triggerfish) are investigative and intelligent, and must be provided with rocks, caves, and other decor for hiding and play. Make sure you stack heavy objects well since Boomerang triggerfish likes to re-arrange the tank they are kept in. Keep the pH in the 8.2-8.4 range, water temperatures in the high 70’s and the water clean, well filtered and well circulated.

Food: Sufflamen bursa (Boomerang triggerfish) eat almost anything. Their diet in the wild includes bivalves, algae, tunicates, worms, crabs, eggs, gastropods, detritus, sponges and echinoids. You can feed your Boomerang triggerfish cut fish fillet, shrimps and clams for example.

Breeding: We have no information about how to breed Sufflamen bursa (Boomerang triggerfish) in aquariums.

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Boomerang triggerfish - Sufflamen bursa