S - Freshwater Fish Species by common name
On this page you'll find fish profiles for species that has a common name that starts with the letter S
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Sabretooth Tetra
Sailfin Molly
Sailfin Pim
San Juan Cory
Schallers Mouthbrooder
Schwartz's Cory
Serrated Piranha
Serpae Tetra
Sheepshead Swordtail
Siamese Algae Eater
Siamese Fighting Fish
Sieve Cichlid
Silver Datnoid
Silver Dollar (Metynnis hypsauchen)
Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus)
Silver hatchetfish
Silver Hemiodopsis
Silver Mylossoma
Silver Prochilodus
Silvertip Tetra
Simple Mouthbrooder
Simor Fighter
Skunk Botia
Skunk Cory
Slender Betta
Slender Hemiodus
Slender Pygme Swordtail
Small Fin Fighter
Smaragd Fighting Fish
Smooth Back River Stingray
Snakeskin Gourami
Spike Tail Platy
Splendid Snakehead
Spotted Pike Characin
Speckled Platy
Spotted cachorro
Spotted Green Puffer
Spotted Silver Dollar
Spotted Snakehead
Spotted Talking Catfish
Socolof's Tetra
Sterbai Cory Cat
Striped barb
Striped Silver Dollar
Striped Panchax
Swordtail Characin
Freshwater Fish species by scientific name:
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Freshwater Fish species by common name:
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[ O |
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