Schallers Mouthbrooder - Betta schalleri Betta schalleri
Schallers Mouthbrooder


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Schallers Mouthbrooder - Betta schalleri

Species name: Betta schalleri


Common Names: Schallers Mouthbrooder

Family: Belontiidae

Order: Perciformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 5 cm / 2 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Banka, Indonesia

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Betta schalleri (Schallers Mouthbrooder) can live with other community fish.

Water parameters: Temperature 26ºC / 79°F; pH 4.5 - 6.5

Aquarium setup: Betta schalleri (Schallers Mouthbrooder) requires have a large aquarium. The aquarium should be decorated with dense vegetation and a lot of floating plants to allow for a lot of hiding places.

Feeding: Betta schalleri (Schallers Mouthbrooder) accept most frozen and live food. May accept flakes or freeze dried food.

Breeding: Betta schalleri (Schallers Mouthbrooder) is ideally kept in the following conditions if you want to breed them pH should be 6.0 and 50% of the water in the aquarium should be replaced with colder water to stimulate spawning. Make sure your fishes are in spawning condition before changing the water and lowering the temperature.

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Schallers Mouthbrooder - Betta schalleri