Betta renata Betta renata


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Betta pinguis

Species name: Betta renata


Common Names: Betta renata

Family: Belontiidae

Order: Perciformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 9 cm / 3.5 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Indonesia

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Betta renata are best kept alone since very few species can survive in the same water conditions.

Water parameters: temperature 24-30ºC / 75-85°F; pH 4.1

Aquarium setup: Betta renata have very specific need and only one natural habitat is know. It requires a very low ph level and very clean water. Only recommendable for advanced Betta keepers. Your quarium decoration should consist of a lot of pants as well as a few roots that creates hiding places for the species. Male Betta renata are aggressive with each other. Females are very peaceful.

Feeding: Accept most live and frozen food.

Breeding: mouthbrooder

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Betta renata