Sabretooth Tetra - Hydrolycus scomberoides Hydrolycus scomberoides
Sabretooth Tetra


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Sabretooth - Hydrolycus scomberoides


Species name: Hydrolycus scomberoides

Synonym: Hydrolycus pectoralis; Cynodon pectoralis

Common name: Sabretooth tetra, Payara

Family: Characidae

Order: Characiformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 76 cm / 30 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Amazon basin

Temperament: Predatory

Company: Hydrolycus scomberoides (Sabretooth tetra) is a predatory that can only be kept with other equally large species.

Water parameters: Temperature 24-28°C / 75-82°F; pH 6.0 – 8.0

Aquarium setup: Hydrolycus scomberoides (Sabretooth tetra) requires a large aquarium with massive filtration and a strong current to thrive. As with all large predatory fish regular water changes of 30 to 40% a week are recommended. The aquarium should be decorated with a lot of free space and a few caves.

Feeding: Hydrolycus scomberoides (Sabretooth tetra) might accept frozen food but prefers live fish and will eat anything that smaller then half it size. It might eat even bigger fishes.

Breeding: Unknown

Hydrolycus scomberoides -  Sabretooth tetra, Payara picture
Picture of Sabretooth tetra, Payara - Hydrolycus scomberoidesa. Copyright

 Sabretooth tetra, Payara - Hydrolycus scomberoides picture
Hydrolycus scomberoides - Sabretooth tetra, Payara. Copyright

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© 2004-6

Sabretooth Tetra - Hydrolycus scomberoides