Bucktoothed Tetra - Exodon paradoxus Exodon paradoxus
Bucktoothed Tetra


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Bucktoothed Tetra - Exodon paradoxus

Species name: Exodon paradoxus

Synonym: Exodon paradoxus

Common name: Bucktoothed Tetra

Family: Characidae

Order: Characins

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 15 cm / 6 inches

Environment: Freshwater

Origin: Northern Brazil and the Guyanas

Temperament: Relatively aggressive

Company: Exodon paradoxus (Bucktoothed Tetra) should only be kept with large peaceful species.

Water parameters: emperature 22-28°C / 72-82°F; pH 6.0 – 7.5

Aquarium setup: Exodon paradoxus (Bucktoothed Tetra) Requires a large aquarium. The aquarium should be decorated so that it provides plenty of swimming space. Plants are not necessary. This species should only be kept in schools of 10 specimens or more. They become very aggressive towards each other if they are kept in lower number and often end up damaging each other seriously. Common damages includes the loss if eyes.

Feeding: Exodon paradoxus (Bucktoothed Tetra) prefers live food. They cam sometimes be trained to accept dead food.

Breeding: Exodon paradoxus (Bucktoothed Tetra) has been breed in aquarium but very little is know about the circumstances surrounding breeding this species.

Exodon paradoxus - Bucktoothed Tetra picture
Picture of Bucktoothed Tetra - Exodon paradoxus. Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Bucktoothed Tetra - Exodon paradoxus picture
Exodon paradoxus - Bucktoothed Tetra. Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

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Bucktoothed Tetra - Exodon paradoxus