Golden Nugget Pleco - Baryancistrus sp L018 Baryancistrus  sp L018
Golden Nugget Pleco


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Golden Nugget Pleco - Baryancistrus sp L018

Species name: Baryancistrus sp


Common name: Golden Nugget Pleco.

Family: Loricariidae.

Order: Cypriniformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 20 cm / 8 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Amazon, Brazil, Rio Xingu.

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Baryancistrus sp (Golden Nugget Pleco) can be kept with other fishes that has the same demands. They are highly territorial and should be kept with other Baryancistrus sp (Golden Nugget Pleco) unless kept in a really big aquarium.

Water parameters: termperature 24-26°C / 75-79°F, pH 6.0-7.5

Aquarium setup: Baryancistrus sp (Golden Nugget Pleco) should be kept in a well planted aquarium that offers a number of caves and hiding places. They should also be supplied with roots. They can be very territorial and protect “their” cave against all other fishes,

Feeding: Baryancistrus sp (Golden Nugget Pleco) requires a varied diet containing both vegetables and other food sources. Should be given frozen food.

Breeding: Baryancistrus sp (Golden Nugget Pleco) have been breed in aquarium but little information is known.

baryancistrus sp Golden nugget Pleco L018 picture
baryancistrus sp Golden Nugget Pleco L018 Copyright

L018 Golden Nugget Pleco - baryancistrus sp
Another baryancistrus sp Golden nugget Pleco L018. Copyright

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Golden Nugget Pleco - Baryancistrus sp L018