Leopard Danio - Danio rerio var. frankei Danio rerio var. frankei
Leopard Danio


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Leopard Danio - Danio rerio var. frankei

Species name: Danio rerio var. frankei, was formally known as D. frankei and thought to be a species in its own right but is now considered a variety of D. rerio.

Synonym: Cyprinus chapalio; Brachydanio rerio; Perilampus striatus; Brachydanio frankei

Common name: Spotted or Leopard Danio.

Family: Cyprinidae

Order: Cypriniformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 6 cm / 2 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: India.

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Danio rerio var. frankei (Leopard Danio) Can be kept in community aquariums with other small species.

Water parameters: Temperature 18-24°C / 65-75°F; pH 6.0 - 8.0

Aquarium setup: Danio rerio var. frankei (Leopard Danio) are not specific about water conditions providing extremes of pH and hardness as well as other parameters are avoided. The aquarium decoration should be created so that a lot of open area to swim on is created with spots of dense vegetation. Danio rerio var. frankei (Leopard Danio) should not be kept in schools smaller than 10 fishes. Make sure to keep your aquarium covered since they are excellent jumpers.

Feeding: Danio rerio var. frankei (Leopard Danio) accepts most, not to say all food sources and will accept flake food.

Breeding: Danio rerio var. frankei (Leopard Danio) are very easy to breed. Males are slimmer and more intense in their colouration than the females. They can be breed both in pairs and in schools. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Set-up your breeding aquarium with java moss or other suitable substances on the bottom so the fishes can scatter their eggs where they cant reach and eat them. Remove the parents from the aquarium once the spawning is completed.

Danio frankei - Leopard Danio picture
Picture of Leopard Danio - Danio frankei. Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Leopard Danio - Danio frankei picture
Danio frankei - Leopard Danio. Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

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Leopard Danio - Danio rerio var. frankei