Madagascar Rainbowfish - Bedotia geayi Bedotia geayi
Madagascar Rainbowfish


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Madagascar Rainbowfish - Bedotia geayi

Species name: Bedotia geayi

Synonym: Bedotia longianalis, Bedotia tricolor

Common Names: Madagascar Rainbowfish, Red-tailed Silverside

Family: Bedotiidae

Order: Atheriniformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max. size: 15 cm / 6 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Africa. Eastern Madagascar

Temperament: non aggressive.

Company: Suitable for a community aquarium with other non aggressive species.

Water parameters: pH 7.0-8.0, temperature 20 - 24°C / 68 - 75° F

Aquarium setup: Always keep more then one Bedotia geayi together in an aquarium. Decorate the aquarium with a lot of open swimming area and densely planted sides. Bedotia geayi likes a lot of light.

Feeding: Accepts all kinds of food.

Breeding: Madagascar Rainbowfish. A pair lays a small number of eggs among plants every day for a period that span for over a month. The eggs hatch after after 6-7 days. The adults leave egg and fry alone.

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Madagascar Rainbowfish - Bedotia geayi