Hogchoker - Trinectes maculatus Trinectes maculatus


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Hogchoker - Trinectes maculatus

Freshwater Flounder, Freshwater Sole

Species name: Trinectes maculatus

Synonym: Achirus fasciatus, Pleuronectes mollis, Pleuronectes maculatus, Trinectes fasciatus, Trinectes scabra

Common Names: hogchoker, freshwater flounder, freshwater sole

Family: Achiridae

Order: Pleuronectiformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max. size: 20.0 cm / 8 inches

Environment: brackish - marine water. Older specimens need marine water

Origin: Western Atlantic. Massachusetts and the northern parts Gulf of Mexico from USA down to Venezuela

Temperament: peaceful.

Company: Can be kept with most non aggressive fish species. May eat small very slow fishes.

Water parameters: Temperature 5 - 22°C / 41 - 72° F

Tank setup: This species should not be kept in freshwater despite it’s name. As specimens get older it’s better to keep them in marine water. Trinectes maculates (hogchoker, freshwater flounder) is best kept with a substrate made out of fine grained sand that allows them to burrow. A larger grained substrate can hurt this species.

Feeding: All kinds if predatory food that sinks. Can also be trained to accept sinking pellets. Should not be feed vegetables.

Breeding: Not breed in aquarium. Spawning possible connected with a migration into freshwater.

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Hogchoker - Trinectes maculatus