Highland Platy Fish - Xiphophorus evelynae  Xiphophorus evelynae
Highland Platy


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Highland Platy - Xiphophorus evelynae

Species name: Xiphophorus evelynae

Common name: Highland Platyfish

Family: Poeciliidae

Order: Cyprinodontiformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 6 cm / 2.4 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: Central America: Tecolutla (Necaxa) River system, central Mexico.

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Xiphophorus evelynae (Highland Platy fish) should be kept with other small peaceful species with the same demands.

Water parameters: Temperature 22-27°C / 72-81°F; pH 6.0 – 7.0

Aquarium setup: Xiphophorus evelynae (Highland Platyfish) should be kept in a well planted aquarium. Plant the plants among the sides and in the back of the aquarium tank but leave some open areas in the middle of the aquarium to give the fishes an area where they can swim freely. Always keep more females than males.

Feeding: Xiphophorus evelynae (Highland Platy fish) will prefers frozen and live food. They may accept other food sources.

Breeding: Xiphophorus evelynae (Highland Platyfish) are livebearers. The female give birth to her fry in a heavily planted area of the aquarium or among floating plants. The female can be isolated before she give birth to protect the fry.

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Other Livebearer Profiles:

Guppy - Poecilia reticulata
Swordtail - Xiphophorus helleri
Halfbeak - Dermogenys pusillus
Platy - Xiphophorus Maculatus
Sailfin Molly - Poecilia latipinna
Xiphophorus bimaculatus
Catemaco livebearer - Xiphophorus milleri
Celebes Halfbeak - Nomorhamphus liemi
Comma Swordtail - Xiphophorus signum
Cortes Swordtail - Xiphophorus cortezi
Dwarf livebearer - Heterandria formosa
El Qince Swordtail - Xiphophorus continens
Xiphophorus gillii
Xiphophorus gracilis
Highland Swordtail - Xiphophorus malinche
Xiphophorus mayae
Monterrey Platy - Xiphophorus couchianus
Montezuma Swordtail - Xiphophorus montezumae
Xiphophorus monticolus
Northern Mountain Swordtail - Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl
Xiphophorus multilineatus
Muzquiz Platy - Xiphophorus meyeri
Northern Platy - Xiphophorus gordoni
Al Abra Pygme Swordtail - Xiphophorus nigrensis
Slender Pygme Swordtail - Xiphophorus pygmaeus
Rio Aloyac Platy - Xiphophorus andersi
Rosens Hybrid platy - Xiphophorus roseni
Sheepshead Swordtail - Xiphophorus birchmanni
Speckled Platy - Xiphophorus kosszanderi
Spike Tail Platy - Xiphophorus xiphidium
Uplands Swordtail - Xiphophorus alvarezi
Western Mosquito Fish - Gambusia affinis
Yellow Swordtail - Xiphophorus clemenciae

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Highland Platy Fish - Xiphophorus evelynae