Freshwater Gar fish - Xenentodon cancila Xenentodon cancila
Freshwater Garfish

Freshwater Gar fish - Xenentodon cancila

Species name: Xenentodon cancila

Synonym: Esox cancila; Xenentodon cancila; Belone cancila; Belone graii; Esox indica; Xenentodon canciloides; Esox hindostanicus

Common Names: Freshwater garfish

Family: Belonidae (Needlefishes)

Order: Beloniformes (needle fishes)

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max. size: 40.0 cm / 12 inches

Environment: Fresh and brackish waters

Origin: Common throughout Asia


Company:company should be equal sized or larger to avoid becoming food.

Water parameters: temperature 22-28°C / 71-82°F; pH 7.0 – 7.5

Aquarium setup: Xenentodon cancila(Freshwater garfish) is a schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 3 or more, the minimum sized tank for a group of these fish would be 75 gallons (48x20x20 inches). When doing maintenance in the tank be wary of the fishes sharp teeth, they can give a painful bite and inflict nasty wounds.

Feeding: Live foods only, fish, river/ghost shrimp, crickets and tadpoles will all be taken.

Breeding: Breeding is simple as long as suitable male/female pairs are kept together, initiate spawning by feeding large amounts of small live fish and doing large daily water changes. Raising the fry is difficult as they will only take live food and are cannibalistic, day old livebearer fry make the best foods.

Freshwater garfish
Picture of Xenentodon cancila. Copyright

Freshwater garfish
Freshwater garfish in the wild. Copyright

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Freshwater Gar fish - Xenentodon cancila