Guyana Leaffish - Polycentrus schomburgkii Polycentrus schomburgkii
Guyana Leaffish


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Guyana Leaffish - Polycentrus schomburgkii

Species name: Polycentrus schomburgkii

Synonym: Labrus punctatus; Polycentrus schomburgki; Polycentrus schomburgkii; Polycentrus tricolor; Mesonauta surinamensis

Common Names: Guyana leaffish

Family: Polycentridae (Leaffishes)

Order: Perciformes (perch-likes)

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max. size: 10.0 cm / 4 inches

Environment: Fresh and brackish waters

Origin: South America, Venezuela, Trinidad


Company:Should not be kept with fishes can fit into their large mouths. Should not be kept with aggressive fish like cichlid.

Water parameters: temperature 25°C / 78°F; pH 6.0 – 7.0

Aquarium setup: Polycentrus schomburgkii(Guyana leaffish) is rather small and two can be kept in a ten gallon aquarium. The tank should be well planted, with several caves for hiding as well.

Feeding: Will only accept live food, period. They will eat earthworms, ghost shrimp, brineshrimp, guppies, and other live foods.

Breeding: Very difficult. They will spawn in a cave, and lay eggs on plants with broad leaves. The male will tank over care and the female should be removed. They lay several hundred eggs, which hatch in 3 or four days. To prevent cannibalism, fry should be separated by size (to prevent cannibalism) and will eat Baby brineshrimp and nauplii.

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Guyana Leaffish - Polycentrus schomburgkii