Freshwater Moray Eel - Echidna rhodochilus Echidna rhodochilus
Freshwater Moray Eel


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Freshwater Moray Eel - Echidna rhodochilus

Obs. Best kept in Brackish water despite its common name.

Species name: Echidna rhodochilus

Common Names:Freshwater Morayeel

Family: Muraenidae (Moray eels)

Order: Anguilliformes (eels and morays)

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max. size: 34 cm / 13 inches

Environment: brackishwater, enters freshwater

Origin: Indo-West Pacific: Indonesia and the Philippines

Temperament: Non aggressive, consider smaller fish as food
Company: Non aggresive fishes thats to large to be eaten.

Water parameters: brackishwater, sligtly alkaline. temperature 75-82° F.

aquarium setup: These fiches are easily stressed if not the right environment is provided. the most important part of creating this environment is to creata alot of hidingplaces for the eel.(See link for more information) Apart from that, know special demands.

Feeding: feeder fish and frozen shrimp, fish (may need to be trained to accept dead food)

Breeding: unknown

Echidna rhodochilus -  Freshwater Moray eel picture
Picture of Freshwater Moray eel - Echidna rhodochilus. Copyright

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Freshwater Moray Eel - Echidna rhodochilus