Banded Bichir - Polypterus delhezi Polypterus delhezi
Banded Bichir


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Banded Bichir - Polypterus delhezi

Species name: Polypterus delhezi

Synonym: Polypterus ansorgei delhezi

Common Names: Armoured bichir, banded bichir

Family: Polypteridae

Order: Polypteriformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max. size: 44 cm / 17 inches

Environment: Freshwater

Origin: Central basin of Congo River, Africa

Temperament: Relatively non aggressive but predatory

Company: Fishes that are to large to be eaten.

Water parameters: pH 6-8 Temperature 25 - 28°C / 77 - 82° F

Aquarium setup: Polypterus delhezi (Armoured bichir, banded bichir) should be kept in large aquariums as they are a fast growing, large fishes. The aquarium should be decorated with a lot of hiding places and a fine grained substrate. Plants are not recommended since they most likely would be destroyed. This species is nocturnal.

Feeding: All kinds if frozen foods. Some specimens can be trained to accept pellets.

Breeding: Not breed in aquarium. Sexing is possible since males have a large pocket like anal fin and are smaller then females.

Polypterus delhezi - Armoured bichir, banded bichir picture
Picture of Armoured bichir, banded bichir - Polypterus delhezi. Copyright

Armoured bichir, banded bichir - Polypterus delhezi picture
Polypterus delhezi - Armoured bichir, banded bichir picture. Copyright

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© 2004-6

Banded Bichir - Polypterus delhezi