Species name: Hasemania nana
Synonym: Tetragonopterus nanus
Common name: Silvertip Tetra
Family: Characidae
Order: Characins
Class: Actinopterygii
Maximum size: 5 cm / 2 inches
Environment: freshwater
Origin: Brazil
Temperament: Peaceful
Company: Hasemania nana (Silvertip Tetra) is suitable for community aquariums.
Water parameters: Temperature 22-28°C / 72-82°F; pH 5.5 – 6.5
Aquarium setup: Hasemania nana (Silvertip Tetra) should be kept in a densely planted aquarium with open areas and some floating plants. They prefer a well circulated aquarium. This species should as most tetras only be kept in schools of 10 fish or more.
Feeding: Hasemania nana (Silvertip Tetra) will accept most foods types including flake food.
Breeding: Hasemania nana (Silvertip Tetra) scatters their eggs among dense vegetation. Best breed in pairs. The pair eats their own eggs if they are not removed from the breeding aquarium.

Picture of Silvertip Tetra - Hasemania nana. Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Hasemania nana - Silvertip Tetra. Copyright www.jjphoto.dk