Talbot's blenny - Stanulus talboti Talbots blenny fish Stanulus talboti
Talbots blenny


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Talbot's blenny - Stanulus talboti

Species name: Stanulus talboti

Synonyms: Stanulus talboti

Common Names: Talbot's blenny

Family: Blennidae

Order: Perciformes (Perch-likes

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned Fishes)

Max.Size: 14.0 cm / 5.5 inches

Environment: Marine demersal

Origin: Western Central, Northwest and Eastern Central Pacific, Western and Eastern Indian Ocean

Temperament: Harmless

Company: Stanulus talboti (Talbot's blenny) should not be kept with sharks and sea lions, or with the same and similar species.

Aquarium Setup: Stanulus talboti (Talbot's blenny) developed in a temperate climate and will not survive a rapid move to a tropical aquarium. Talbot's blenny likes to dig and will enjoys a bottom with mixed size rubble and gravel. They also like rocks and corals. You must cover the aquarium because this fish can jump high.

Food: Stanulus talboti (Talbot's blenny) feed on plants, zoobenthos and algae. Feed once a day or more. They like meaty foods like chopped shrimp, crab and clams. A vegetable prepared mix is also good once a day, or algae and spinach. Talbot's blenny sometimes refrains from eating and should then be encouraged to start eating again as soon as possible. You can tantilise it with an open fresh or live clam or mussel.

Breeding: We have no information about how to breed Stanulus talboti (Talbot's blenny) in aquariums.

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Talbot's blenny - Stanulus talboti