Labrador Retriever Rescue

Labrador Retriever Rescue

Golden Labrador puppy

In the United States, one of the most sought after dog breeds is be the Labrador Retriever and there are strong reasons behind its popularity. Although there are many types of dog retrievers, the Labrador stands out because of its kind nature and intelligence. Whether you desire a pet only or a working dog, the Labrador Retriever is more than capable of fulfilling these requirements. This dog breed also ranks as the number one choice in the United Kingdom.

Despite most dog owners’ preference for the Labrador Retriever, it suffers from the same plight as the other domesticated animals. The cases of abandoned or neglected dogs continue to rise, thus, there is a need to address this growing problem. Providentially, there are concerned citizens in various states that have organized Labrador Retriever rescue centers. These organizations have a common vision involving the future of these deserted and/or abused creatures, which is to find them homes where they can fit in as loved and accepted members.

In a study made by one of these rescue facilities, it was identified that more than 50% of the previous owners of Labrador Retrievers gave up their pets due to their ignorance of the time needed to raise one. After the excitement of acquiring a new pet has subsided, many owners are clueless as to the activities needed. This would refer to the time and effort he or she must devote to his dog in the areas of exercise, training and grooming. When the puppy begins to grow and demands more time from his master, the latter is unwilling or unable to fulfill this duty. Faced with a relationship that is not working, the owner opts to leave his dog in a rescue center in the hopes that another person will be willing to do the sacrifice she is unwilling to do.

Other cited reasons why a Labrador Retriever ends up homeless and in Labrador Retriever rescue centers would be the development of allergies triggered by the particular pet, owner moving to another place where dogs are not allowed, financial reasons and the dog’s health conditions. Strays are often located with no way of identifying who the past owners are.

Labrador Retriever rescue centers generally operate as non-profit organizations whose memberships are open to volunteers. Funding is primarily sourced from donations and adoption fees whenever a new owner acquires a dog. Fund raising activities are also arranged to generate enough income to support the overhead costs. Another way of helping the cause of these rescue organizations is for you to adopt one of the available dogs.

Given the background of the dogs rescued by the centers, Labrador Retriever rescue centers implement a strict adoption process to make certain that the next owner will be responsible enough not to abandon or abuse the dog the second time around. As interested part, you are assured that you will be given a vet-checked dog, and in some cases, a dog that has already been neutered or spayed. You will be properly guided on how you should care for the Labrador Retriever.