Other infections in dogs

Other infections in dogs

A vast majority of the infections that our canine friends can suffer from are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa. During recent years, veterinary medicine has however realised that other organisms can cause infection as well. This is still a fairly unexplored area of dog medicine and we will hopefully learn more about these mysterious infections and how to treat them in the future. In this section of the site, you will find information about these organisms and how they can affect our dogs.

Since these infectious organisms are so unknown, it will often take quite a long time before the dog receives a proper diagnosis. In many cases, the dog has already been treated with broad spectrum antibiotics in an effort to kill all sorts of bacteria but without showing any significant signs of improvement. A dog that has been ill for a while can also have developed secondary infections and veterinarians can easily mistake a secondary infection for being the root to all the problems. Some of the organisms in this group are known to primarily infect dogs where the immune system is already weakened and healthy dogs can be exposed to them without falling ill.

Infections in dogs: (click for more info)
Protothecosis in dogs