A massive amount of fish have been killed off in the Bayou Chaland area of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana and something stinks. Plaquemines is the southernmost parish of Louisiana, where they are just now starting to get back on their feet after the BP oil spill fiasco. Among the fish that have been mysteriously turning up dead are pogie, redfish, shrimp, crabs, and even freshwater eels have not been able to escape the clammy grasp of death.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries released a statement the day after the fish started turning up dead stating that the cause of death for the fish was low levels of oxygen, and was not related to to the BP oil Spill fiasco.
The director of the Coastal Zone Management Department, P.J. Hahn, has pointed out that the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries came to the conclusion without bothering to take any water samples, or fish samples in the affected area. This is where things get fishy. If you are testing things, and I’m no scientist, but you need to take samples, otherwise what are you basing your data on? The commentary of some dead fish?
P.J. Had this to say on the matter “ We had three fish kills in eight days, all in areas that were heavily oiled during the Deep Horizon Oil spill. The first was in Chaland Pass, the second near Bay Joe Wise and the third was in Bay Robinson. All kills covered areas approximately two square miles in size. I collected water and fish samples and turned them over to our DA’s office. Early independent testing results show the fish have oil in their gills and liver. Now a more detailed testing will indicate the fingerprint of the oil to see if it matches the BP Deep Horizons oil.”
Uh Oh.. Data Manipulation anyone? Conspiracy? Will BP now have one more nail in their coffin and be sent to sleep with the fishes?