Free Tropical Fish E-book

Free Tropical Fish E-book

On this page you can download your own FREE copy of the e-book Tropical fish – a beginner’s guide.

Tropical fish – a beginner’s guide is a great aid for anyone who is pondering the idea of setting up an aquarium, and is also recommended for the beginner aquarist who wishes to find out more about how to care for the aquarium in the best way possible. Tropical fish – a beginner’s guide contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions about the set up and maintenance of a tropical fish aquarium and will also aid you when choosing fish and plants. By following the instructions in this book you will be able to avoid common beginner mistakes and you will also learn how to cope with problems if they occur; including water quality catastrophes, excessive algae growth and common fish diseases.

Tropical fish – a beginner’s guide will help beginners as well as more experienced aquarists who want to take the leap from a fish-only tank to a planted aquarium with lush and healthy vegetation. Even if you have successfully kept an aquarium for some time, you will most likely find a lot of new and interesting facts in this e-book and get a deeper understanding of all the fascinating processes that are taking place inside your aquarium. All the information is written in plain English and without jargon.

This tropical fish e-book contains 7 chapters that will guide you from aquarium set up and fish selecting all the way through proper aquarium maintenance, fish feeding, problem solving and basic fish breeding. The e-book comprises a little less than a hundred pages and is no larger than 550 KB, but still a rich source of detailed guidelines, clear explanations and valuable facts and about the aquarium and its inhabitants.

Click here to go to the download page for Tropical fish – a beginner’s guide
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