BP Really Laid it On Thick:
You know, this is really interesting.. It makes one wonder if the people in Washington are being sold a load of bull, and not really caring that they are or aren’t.
On March 24th 2010, BP went in front of congress and made the promise to federal regulators that it had the ability to clean up its mess. One of the promises made was that they were able to clean up and collect “491,721 barrels of oil each day in the event of major spill.” That number really is impressive as it rolls off the tongue, however, the reality of what BP is doing is quite different.
As of Monday, there have been just shy of 2 million barrels of oil which have been spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. The skimmers are coming in way under that number of 491,721 barrels a day.. In fact, the skimming operations have only managed to average about 900 barrels a day in the cleanup process. The total collected oil has only been about 67,143 barrels, and BP resorted to massive burning campaigns to get rid of over 238,000 barrels. Most of the oil which has been collected, somewhere in the neighborhood of 632,410 barrels, was collected smack dab on top of the source of the leak.
The conclusion? It seems as if the representatives over at BP took a page out of the politicians handbook, tell them what they want to hear! What they didn’t take into consideration however, is that unlike the 2% tax reduction on imported goods really doesn’t have a profound impact on anything if it doesn’t happen.. By BP not being able to do what they claimed, millions of dollars are being lost daily, not just for oil and cleanup, but also severe damage is being done to the ecosystem as well.
What About Other Oil Companies?
This begs the question… Is this sort of thing normal? BP is taking a lot of heat, however it has been said that all oil companies face the same problems which BP is currently facing. Do other companies make such large claims as BP though? I mean come on… only being able to deliver below 1% of what you have promised to deliver is NOT good. If this were any other company they would have been jailed for false advertising, however the only real repercussions that they seem to be facing is a little bit of bad publicity.
What can we do about it?
You may be sitting there thinking to yourself, “well what am I supposed to do about it?”. Well for starters you can start asking the important questions, and bring more attention to the matter.. For too long have we sat on our duffs and taken in the BP excuses.. Someone needs to be held accountable. So start by looking in your area for a group looking to help with the spill, and let’s get it cleaned up already!