Gray unicornfish - Naso caesius Gray unicorn fish Naso caesius
Gray unicornfish


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Gray unicornfish - Naso caesius

Species Name: Naso caesius


Common Names: Gray unicornfish

Family: Acanthuridae (Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes)

Order: Perciformes (Perch-likes)

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned Fishes)

Max. Size: 45.6 cm / 18 inches

Environment: Marine-reef

Origin: Western Central and Eastern Central Pacific

Temperament: Harmless

Company: Naso caesius (Gray unicornfish) is appropriate in reef tanks. Do not keep more than one Gray unicornfish in the same aquarium, unless the aquarium is very large.

Aquarium Setup: Naso caesius (Gray unicornfish) must be given plenty of room, open space and strong water currents. They also require suitable company and places to shelter. Establish a stable system before placing the Gray unicornfish in the aquarium. The environment must be stable. Allow for some algal growth and detritus accumulation. Brisk circulation and high oxygen levels are recommended.

Food: Naso caesius (Gray unicornfish) feeds on benthic algae and large zooplankton. It will eat during the day and seek shelter during the night. They are good eaters, once they have grown accustomed to aquarium foods. Good sources of nutrients include live adult brine shrimp, live marine algae, boiled broccoli and brussel sprouts, worms, large meaty shrimps and euphausiids.

Breeding: We do not have any information about breeding Naso caesius (Gray unicornfish) in aquariums.

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Gray unicornfish - Naso caesius