Tag Archives: wordpress themes

Black X – WordPress theme

Had a litle free time and made a new wordpress theme. It is a very simple theme in black, white and grey. The theme is Adsense ready. Adsense is by default disabled in the layout but can very easily be activated by following the attached instructions.

The theme supports widgets and gravatars.

black x theme

Official description: A simple black widget and gravatar ready 3 column wordpress theme. The teme has a bio box and is adsense ready. It only shows adsense for the top 3 posts to comply with Google adsense TOS.

Tags: valid CSS, white, black, gray, grey, 3 columns, 3 column, three column, three columns, fixed width, widget, widget ready, simple, right sidebar, left sidebar, valid CSS, adsense ready, add ready, bio box, gravatar support, gravatar, minimalistic,