Tag Archives: wine maker

Wine Makers Implore “Drink and Dive”

This is definitely one for the history books, at least when it comes to wines. There are some wine-makers which are set to uncork a brand new vintage of custom wine with they have just drudged up from the bottom of the sea. This is a rather unique idea, and is the first time that a wine maker has attempted such a feat.

The wine they will be debuting is known as the Abyss sparkling wine, and it has been matured at the bottom of the sea off the Italian coast for a year. The reasoning behind letting the wine mature in that location, is that they believe that the natural currents in the area moving the bottles constantly, along with the temperature changes, will make for a supreme flavor enhancer.

There were more than 6,000 bottles of the Abyss sparkling wine dragged to the surface by divers this week. They utilized special sea bed cages which finally found there home 200 feet beneath the waves near Chiavari.

All this is rather interesting, but how does it taste? One diver had this to say on the flavor of this unique vintage, “It’s delicious. Really fruity and with a very distinctive taste”

The wine maker came up with this unique idea for making wine, after having sampled a bottle of wine which came from a shipwreck that had been at the depths of the ocean for over a decade.

(admin notes=I must admit that the wine would be interesting to try but I am guessing that it might become hard to come by with a mere 6000 bottles produced.)