Tag Archives: ponds

Male Pond Skaters Don’t Take “NO” For an Answer

pond skater

And you think this sort of thing only happens in people society… Apparently the male pond skaters play on the fears of females to coerce them into having sexual intercourse. The fear that they tap into is the fear of predators.

This rather surprising sexual behavior was discovered by Professors Chang Han and Piotr Jablonski of Seoul National University in South Korea.

Female pond skaters appear to have the upper hand when it comes to when and if they engage in sexual intercourse because they have a “chastity belt” type covering over their genitals. This means that a male pond skater can only get some action if and when the female decides to let them in.

However, Professors Han and Jablonski have found that males will cause ripples in the surface of the water during courtship rituals, and these ripples attract fish from down below.

The male will keep making these ripples in the water, until the female consents to have sexual intercourse with him, much like a child will stamp his feet to get his way. However, this obviously has more severe implications for the pond skater than the child, as the child won’t be eaten by something if they don’t stop.

What makes this all the more interesting, is that the females were more likely to give in to the male’s desire to engage in sexual activity if she had experienced a predator attack in the past.

However, there was no conclusive link to see if a male was less persistent if the same had happened to him…

Koi crime wave in East Yorks, UK

Twelve thefts of exotic fish and pond equipment have been reported over a three-week period across Hull, East Yorks.

Humberside Police Community Support Officer Sam Gregory said all the evidence suggests the culprits are using the Internet to seek out their targets.

Common Koi type for ponds
A picture of a kohaku Koi carp in a pond Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Google shows what is in your garden and you can see people’s ponds“, Gregory explained.

One of the properties targeted has an eight foot fence and is set back from the road. The pond is in the corner and can’t be seen. Unless you were standing right next to the wall, you wouldn’t be able to hear the running water.”

In association with one of the thefts, where four small koi carps and some expensive lilies were taken, a neighbour report seeing two young men with a bike with a box on it and a big black net.

Criminals could use maps, phones and getaway cars but no one would argue that these technologies are responsible for the crime itself, that responsibility lies with the perpetrator”, a Google spokesperson said, adding that Google is just one of several providers of detailed satellite images.