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Goldie Soon to take Guinness Record for Longest Fish

Though her methods are different from the average fish keeper’s, 83 year old, Ada Shaw, has definitely proven to be the world’s best goldfish keeper. Goldie, her .99 cent feeder goldfish has grown into a 15.7 inch long Goliath! Weighing in at over two pounds, Goldie is now verging on the ripe old age of 16; which by goldfish standards, is antique.

So whats her secret? Nothing we would think of. Ada says that after each weekly water change she tops off old Goldie’s tank with, believe it or not, some boiling water; something unheard of in the world of goldfish keeping, considering the fact they are a cold water fish. Ada also says that she ” leaves the light on at night so he is not in the dark and if the sun is glaring on him (she) will draw the curtains so he doesn’t get too much sun.”

Ada also explains that Goldie is fed flakes, twice daily, like clockwork, and is given plenty of attention and conversation. Her methods may be out of the ordinary, but Goldie is all the proof Ada needs that her love and attention has given her goldfish the upper hand; or fin. Goldie has managed to not only out live the average goldfish (10 years) (Common goldfish can live atleast 35 years. Admin) but also succeeded in surpassing the lifespans of both Adas pet dog and cat.

While Goldie is just three inches away from the world record for the worlds longest goldfish, Ada still insists that she ” sometimes think (she is) making too much of a fuss over him.” Rest assured, there are many fish enthusiasts now marveling over Goldie, and wondering how an 83 year old British woman, went against all the logical fish keeping rules, and produced such a beautiful specimen.

Read the entire story and see a picture of the goldfish here