Tag Archives: fish cam

A Few Fish Cams

I thought I would write a few words about some of the many good fish cams that are available on the net even though they sometime can be hard to find among all the bad ones.

I would like to start by mentioning the Amazon River cam that is provided by the Smithsonian national zoological park. This cam allows you to follow the action in a Amazon river basin aquarium containing turtles, piranhas, arapaima and red tailed catfish. You can view this camera here . The Smithsonian national zoological park website also offers a webcam where you can see cats fish as well as a number of other good animal web cams.

salmon fish cam

The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry features a salmon can where you can see young salmon that is growing up in aquarium. You can watch this cam in your browser or in your media player. On the negative side can be said that it can be hard to see any fish on this feed.

Koi fish cam

Myfishcam.com offers a koi fish webcam that can be interesting to watch. Click here to watch. Sometimes this feed only work in Media player and not in the browser.

Biotactic Fish & Wildlife features a web came that show the life in Grand River, Ontario, Canada. During the days this cam provides color pictures and during the night it provide infrared imagery. Recent sightings in this cam includes rockbass spawning, crayfish mating, predation. Visit the camera now.

You might also want to step by the fish-school.com cam. Here you can se them training their goldfish comet using the training methods they have developed and teaching others to use. The feed is empty between training sessions but there are archived clips that you can see if there is nothing going on in the live feed. You can see that camera, here

A Couple of Other Aquarium website i stumbled on while looking for these:

Mad Captains: Your aquarium resource directory

Fish Med: Everything you should know to cure and prevent aquarium fish disease

Aquarium Obsession: Your aquarium resource directory