Tag Archives: artifical reef

Vandenberg sink date set: May 27th

A sinking date has now been set for the retired military vessel scheduled to form an artificial reef off Key West in Florida. If everything goes according to plan, Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg – a 523-foot-long military ship that used to track Russian missile launches during the Cold War – will be sunk seven miles (11 km) south of Key West on May 27.

Our sink window opens Wednesday, May 27, and that’s the date we’re currently targeting,” said Jim Scholl, Key West’s city manager and project administrator. “However, there are factors that could delay the scuttling, including weather and other unforeseen circumstances.”

A definite time for the sinking has not yet been set, but the event will probably take place during late morning, officials said.

During the sinking, a one-mile perimeter will be enforced on the water and in the air by the U.S. Coast Guard, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and other U.S. law enforcement agencies.

Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg is currently waiting in Key West Harbor.