Propagating Aquarium Plants

Propagating Aquarium Plants

Propagation refers to the process of making more plants to keep a plant variety alive. Propagation is mainly done to improve plant health. Dividing a plant and replanting it stimulates new growth.

Commonly, aquatic plants show two types of propagation. Vegetative propagation takes place when a part of the plant itself is used to propagate the plant. This could be a stem cutting, a tuber, corn or any other part of the plant. Most aquatic plants propagate in this manner. Sexual or seed propagation takes place when a new plant grows from the spore or seed of the parent plant.

There are different ways to prune and propagate different types of plants. Long stemmed plants should be trimmed to keep the balance of the entire layout intact. One should use long sharp scissors to do this. Each cut will sprout 2 or 3 new leaves. After a number of trimmings, the plants can become top heavy and the branches become heavy and break off.

The Amazon Sword usually propagates when its leaders have been clipped and replanted. Tiny new plants will grow from these. The American Cress is a beautiful plant that grows easily and is easy to maintain. It will also flower easily. Propagation occurs when the aerial stems that are near the base of the plant are clipped and replanted.

The Cabomba, being a rapidly growing plant, requires to be pruned regularly. It is an excellent oxygenator and propagation takes place by replanting the lower leaves. Anubias do not grow enough to dominate any aquascape and they easily fall prey to algae infestation. Old leaves should be removed immediately after they show sighs of weakening. The Floating Fern is an easy plant to take care of, and your can propagate it by replanting the buds of matured plants. In the case of Wisteria, which is another excellent plant, replanting the stems will produce new plants.

Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate aquatic plants. Foreground and Sword plants usually produce runners that will take care of propagating new plants. When some aquatic plants produce side shoots, their rhizomes should gently be cut away along with a few leaves. They can then be planted along the surface of the substrate.

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