Lyretail Killifish - Aphyosemion australe Aphyosemion australe
Lyretail Killifish


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Lyretail Killifish - Aphyosemion australe

Species name: Aphyosemion australe


Common Names: Lyretail Killifish, Lyretail panchax

Family: Aplocheilidae (Killifishes)

Order: Cyprinodontiformes (rivulines, killifishes and live bearers)

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max. size: 6 cm / 2.5 inches

Environment: freshwaterwater

Origin: Africa: Angola, Gabon, Cameroon and Congo.

Temperament: non aggressive.

Company: Can be kept with other non aggressive species of the same size.

Water parameters: pH 6.0 - 7.0 , temperature 21-24°C / 69 - 75° F

Aquarium setup: Best kept in planted tanks. Regular water changes important. Can be kept in very small tanks. This very beautiful species that comes best to it rights in slightly dimmed light, best accomplished by using floating plants.

Feeding: Accepts all kinds of food. Their diet should if possible include small live food.

Breeding:This species will spawn easily if its kept under the right water conditions and is fed a varied diet. The fry is preferable raised on Brine Shrimp.

picture aphyosemion australe male
Picture of a male Aphyosemion australe. Copyright

picture aphyosemion australe female
Picture of a female Aphyosemion australe. Copyright

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Lyretail Killifish - Aphyosemion australe