Fundulopanchax arnoldi Fundulopanchax arnoldi
Arnolds lyretail


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Fundulopanchax arnoldi

Species name: Fundulopanchax arnoldi

Synonym: Fundulus arnoldi; Fundulopanchax arnoldi; Aphyosemion arnoldi

Common name: Arnolds Lyretail

Family: Aplocheilidae

Order: Cyprinodontiformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 6 cm / 2.5 inches

Environment: Freshwater

Origin: Mainly restricted to the Niger Delta .

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Fundulopanchax arnoldi can be kept in community aquariums but is more suitable for a species aquarium.

Water parameters: Temperature 22-28°C / 72-82°F; pH 5.8 - 7.2

Aquarium setup: Fundulopanchax arnoldi should be kept in a densely planted aquarium. Use a lot of fine leaved plants such as java moss. Floating plants and a dark bottom substrate is preferred.

Feeding: Fundulopanchax arnoldi will usually accept flake food but should preferable be feed frozen and live food.

Breeding: Fundulopanchax arnoldi lay a few eggs each day during the breeding period. They then rest for a while before entering a new breeding cycle. Coconut fiber makes for good breeding substrate. The eggs should be in semi-dry incubation for 6 -10 weeks before hatching. The fry grows very fast.

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Fundulopanchax arnoldi