Amiet's Lyretail - Fundulopanchax amieti
Species name: Fundulopanchax amieti
Synonym: Aphyosemion amiet; Paraphyosemion amieti
Common name: Amiet's Lyretail
Family: Aplocheilidae
Order: Cyprinodontiformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Maximum size: 7 cm / 2.7 inches
Environment: freshwater
Origin: Fundulopanchax amieti (Amiet's Lyretail) is found in a forest stream on the road to Koupongo, 500 meters west of Somakak, Sanaga basin, Cameroon.
Temperament: Peaceful
Company: Fundulopanchax amieti (Amiet's Lyretail) can be kept in a community aquarium but is best kept in a species aquarium.
Water parameters: Temperature 22-28°C / 72-82°F; pH 5.8 - 7.2
Aquarium setup: Fundulopanchax amieti (Amiet's Lyretail) is best kept in a very well planted aquarium with floating plants. The aquarium should be densely planted from bottom to surface. Fine leafed species such as Indian fern, java moss, java fern, hornwort and riccia are ideal plants to use.
Feeding: Fundulopanchax amieti (Amiet's Lyretail) is best kept on live food. They will however accept commercial foods. Frozen Mosquito larvae are recommended if live food isn’t an option.
Breeding: Fundulopanchax amieti (Amiet's Lyretail) can be breed in aquarium. The eggs hatch after 5 weeks. This species only produce a small number of eggs. Keep two females to every male.
Picture of male Amiet's Lyretail- Fundulopanchax amieti. Copyright
Female Fundulopanchax amieti - Amiet's Lyretail. Copyright
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