There are a lot of reasons as to why fish might be physically injured in your aquarium and most such injuries heal by themselves without you having to worry about them. Lighter injuries are for example very common in aquarium with aggressive territorial fish where fights are a part of everyday life. More serious injuries can however need your attention to prevent the wounds from becoming infected and to prevent diseases from infecting the fish while it is weakened by the wound.
The first thing you should to when spotting a more serious injury to one of your fish is to isolate that fish in a quarantine/recuperation tank where it can heal from its wound without being stresses or further injured by other fish. It can also be good to pad the wound with an antibiotic such as Mercurochrome or to add an antibiotic like tetracycline and chloromycetin (chloramphenicol) to the water in the recuperation tank to prevent the wound from becoming infected. A lower pH will help speed up the recovery if your fish tolerate lower pH values. A pH around 6.6 is ideal for healing.
When you have tended to your fish you should try to identify the cause of the injury. The cause can be a sharp piece of decoration, another fish or a myriad of other causes. Some injuries are nothing more than accidents and have no real cause that can easily be prevented. When you have established the reason behind the injury, the next step is naturally to consider what can be done to avoid future damages. If it is another fish you might want to consider not keeping those two fish in the same aquarium, if it is a piece of decoration I recommend removing it or burying the sharp side in the gravel (unless you have digging fish).
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