Bad Beginner Fish
Bad Beginner Fish

Bad Beginner Fish

By: Jbeing75

Plecos – Plecos come in all shapes and sizes. There are numerous variations and colorations of plecos that are available to the common aquarist. The first problem is 99% of the plecos in your local fish store are probably common plecos. Common plecos can range well over 15 inches and are very hard on the biological filtration of a tank. They also require a well established tank that includes algae and for some species driftwood.

Discus – Discus are very sensitive to water perimeters and need very stable and strict water guidelines. Discus will rapidly lose color and become ill and are extremely prone to diseases and infections. A discus tank should be well established and requires a lot of time to maintain until the tank is completely stable. Due to the fishes water and maintenance requirements they are not recommended as starter fish.

piranha - Copyright
Red Bellied or Black Pacu – Pacu are a very hearty fish although they grow at an astonishing rate. They can easily become over 2-3 feet in length over time and are a very shy and skittish species. They are known throughout the aquatic community as tank busters. Pacu grow much larger than their close relatives the piranha. Pacu are however not carnivore and are
omnivorous and eat mostly fallen fruits and nuts from the trees of the amazon. With this being said this is a fish with powerful jaws and blunt teeth. They will easily smash the fingers of an unknowing aquarists and are not recommended for children.

Piranha – Piranha are a very likeable species to most. Unfortunately they stay small and a lot of aquarists try to keep them. Piranha have razor sharp teeth and should be kept again as a species tank. Due to their aggressive nature they need to be grouped in larger numbers as two piranha in a single tank will commonly attack each other. The increased tank size and increased food cost coupled with the extremely aggressive natural make the piranha a fish that should only be kept by seasoned aquarists. Of course they are not recommended with children in the home as one hand in the tank could end in a disaster.

Selecting your Fish
Before you select your fish take some time and research the fish. Talk to more experienced fish keepers on fish forums. Sometimes pet store owners are blinded by the sale and may sell you fish that do not necessarily match together. Start with a good sized tank and some smaller fish first until you have mastered the tank maintenance portion of fish keeping. Bigger and messier fish need more room and require better filtration. They also require a better understanding of fish keeping to live a happy healthier life. Choose fish that are compatible with each other and will thrive in the type of setting you have provided them. Some fish enjoy plants or other types of natural decorations that make them feel safer and less prone to stress.

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