Breeding Corydoras xinguensis
 Breeding Corydoras xinguensis


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Breeding Corydoras xinguensis

Corydoras xinguensis is a Corydoras catfish native to Brazil where it is found in the upper parts of Rio Xingu. Corydoras xinguensis has a grey body which is decorated with darker spots above (and frequently slightly below) the lateral line. There are also less distinct spots present on the caudal fin and on dorsal and pectoral fin spines. Corydoras xinguensis normally grow to be around 3.5 cm.

Breeding aquarium for Corydoras xinguensis

The breeding aquarium should ideally be planted. You can for instance use Java fern, Java moss and Indian Fern. Sufficient filtration and frequent water changes are needed to keep the water quality up. Before you start to trigger your fish into breeding, the pH-value should be stable and rest round pH 6.5. The water temperature should be 22 – 26°C and the water should ideally be quite soft.

Triggering spawning in Corydoras xinguensis

As with most Corydoras species, feeding your fish plenty of meaty food seems to induce spawning. You can for instance give your fish grindal worms, bloodworms and mosquito larvae. Ideally combine this with high quality prepared food such as catfish tablets of flake food to ensure a varied diet.

A rapid change in water quality, a lowered temperature, a changed pH-value and an increased food supply is known to trigger spawning in Corydoras xinguensis. This probably has to do with this fish living in areas subjected to sharp difference between dry and rainy season.

If more meaty food and a major water change using cold water with a higher pH-value is not enough to trigger breeding in your fish, you can try to really mimic a dry season followed by a rainy season. This will requrie some time and effort but is well worth it when you finally have tiny Corydoras xinguensis fry swimming around in the aquarium.

Corydoras xinguensis eggs

Corydoras xinguensis produce very small, adhesive eggs. They are no longer than 2 mm and will be attached to plant leaves and other suitable surfaces in the aquarium. If you believe that your fish has spawned but cannot see any eggs, look underside plant leaves and equipment!

The eggs have a pale tan color to begin with and will then gradually get darker as the mature. White eggs should be removed immediately since they are unfertilized and will attract fungi and bacteria.

Corydoras xinguensis is not known to eat eggs or fry, but most breeders prefer to move the eggs to a separate aquarium anyway.

Corydoras xinguensis fry

If you keep the water temperature at 23 degrees C, the eggs will hatch within 5 days. The emerging fry is around 2 mm long and will not be free swimming until they are two days old. When they have consumed the yolk sac, you can start feeding them liquid fry food (for egg layers) and microworms. After a few more days, Corydoras xinguensis fry are big enough to eat brine shrimp. Even fry no older than five days can show some faint speckling across the face and head. When they are one week old, spots will normally begin to appear over the back.

Large (around 50%) water changes must be carried out once a day during the initial period if you want a high survival rate when breeding Corydoras xinguensis. Only use water similar to that in the fry rearing aquarium; shocking the fry is not a good idea.

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Breeding Corydoras xinguensis