Magnificent Rabbitfish
Magnificent Rabbitfish

Magnificent Rabbitfish

Siganus magnificus

Magnificent Rabbitfish

Siganus magnificus is known under several different names in English, such as Magnificent Rabbitfish, Magnificent Foxface, Andaman Foxface, and Red Fin Foxface.

Siganus magnificus has not been evaluated for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Geographical range, habitat and habits

The Magnificent Rabbitfish is found in the Eastern Indian Ocean, in the waters of Thailand and Indonesia. Its geographical range stretches from 15°N to 0°N.

This species inhabits coral reefs. The adults live in pairs. Juveniles are seldom seen, because they hide among the corals. The Magnificent Rabbitfish is known to flair its dorsal and anal fins in order to ward of perceived threats.

Size and appearance

The largest scientifically measured Magnificent Rabbitfish was 24.0 cm / 9.4 in.

The body is brown or gray dorsally and whitish below. Each fin is fringed with yellow or red. The face is white with a distinctive black band. A broad white arc runs from the isthmus and thorax to the bases of the 2nd to 4th dorsal spines.

This fish has stout venomous spines.

Magnificent Rabbitfish care

This is a hardy rabbitfish and it can be kept in newly established aquariums. It is not advisable to house it in an aquarium smaller than 70 gallons / 265 litres. This fish is peaceful as long as you don’t try to combine it with other rabbitfish. If you want to keep more than one Magnificent Rabbitfish, it needs to be a compatible pair and the aquarium has to be pretty big.

The Magnificent Rabbitfish can be combined with peaceful species as well as with many types of aggressive and/or predatory species since it is protected by its venomous spines.

The Magnificent Rabbitfish is considered reef safe with caution. If not well fed, the fish can start eating some species of stony corals with large polyps and soft corals. It may even attach suitably sized mobile invertebrates.

Be careful when you handle this fish, because the venomous spines can deliver a serious sting. Reactions can vary from mild to severe and prompt medical attention is recommended since you may be allergic to the toxin. Catching this fish using a net is not recommended, because the spines easily get entangled.

The recommended water temperature when keeping Magnificent Rabbitfish is 75-82° F (25-28° C). The pH-value should be kept within the 8.1-8.4 range, the specific gravity at 1.020-1.025, and the carbonate hardness on 8 - 12° dKH.

Feeding Magnificent Rabbitfish

In the wild, the Magnificent Rabbitfish feeds chiefly on algae and small invertebrates. Encourage natural algae growth in the aquarium to make it possible for the fish to carry out its natural grazing behaviour. Having plenty of live rock in the aquarium is recommended. This fish is renowned for its ability to devour large amounts of hair algae.  

The naturally occurring algae should be supplemented with other types of food to make sure that your fish gets enough nutrition. The bulk of its diet should be herbivore, but it also needs meaty food to stay healthy. This fish is usually a happy eater in the aquarium and will normally accept live, fresh, frozen, and dry foods. You can for instance serve marine seaweed, spirulina, vegetables, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and high-quality flakes suitable for marine herbivores.

Give your fish many small portions throughout the day instead of just one or two big meals.  

Breeding Magnificent Rabbitfish

We do not have any information about breeding the Magnificent Rabbitfish in aquariums. 

Females are usually larger than males of the same age.

Rabbitfish Articles

Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus uspi)
Coral Rabbitfish (Siganus corallinus)
Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus)
Onespot Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus unimaculatus)
Virgate Rabbitfish (Siganus virgatus)


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