Foxface Rabbitfish
Foxface Rabbitfish

Foxface Rabbitfish

Siganus vulpinus

Foxface Rabbitfish

The fish species Siganus vulpinus is known under several different common names in English, including Foxface Rabbitfish, Common Foxface, and Foxface Lo.

Siganus vulpinus has not been evaluated for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

This species is venomous and can inflict painful stings.  

Geographical range, habitat and habits

The Foxface Rabbitfish is found in the Western Pacific, from approximately 30°N to 30°S. This is a reef associated species that inhabits lagoons and seaward reefs with prolific coral growth. It can be found down to a depth of 30 meters / 100 feet.

The Foxface Rabbitfish occurs singly or in pairs and is sometimes territorial. The fish is typically ready to form a pair when it is around 10 cm / 4 in long and the pairs are believed to last until one of the partners die. Juveniles and sub-adults can form large schools and like to hide among Acropora corals and feed on the algae that grow on the dead bases of the coral branches.

Size and appearance

The largest scientifically measured Foxface Rabbitfish was 25.0 cm / 9.8 in.

The Foxface Rabbitfish is easily recognized on its spectacular shape and colouration. It looks very similar to the closely related Siganus unimaculatus, but Siganus unimaculatus sports a big black blotch on the sides of its body (under the soft dorsal rays).

The body of the Foxface Rabbitfish is mottled yellow-brown. A dark chocolate ocular band forms an arc from the base of the first dorsal spine to the chin. The thorax is also of a dark chocolate shade. You can see two distinct white areas on the body: a broad white zone right behind the ocular bar on the trunk, and a narrow white blaze on the head. The lower half of the head is speckled.

This fish is equipped with stout venomous spines.

Foxface Rabbitfish care

The Foxface Rabbitfish is a hardy marine species. It should be kept in an aquarium where there is plenty of space to swim around in and it is not advisable to house this species in aquariums smaller than 70 gallons / 265 liters.  

The Foxface Rabbitfish can be combined with other peaceful, or even slightly more aggressive, species in a community aquarium. Predatory fish will normally leave the Rabbitfish alone since they don’t want to get close to the venomous spines.

This fish should not be combined with other rabbitfishes, but can be housed with other members of its own species, especially when young. Older specimens form pairs in the wild and should ideally be given the same opportunity in the aquarium.

The Foxface Rabbitfish is considered reef compatible with caution, because it is known to nip at and even eat some soft and hard coral polyps, especially if not well fed in the aquarium. It will leave smaller fish and mobile invertebrates alone since it is chiefly an herbivore (algaevore) species.  

The recommended water temperature is 72-78º F / 22-25.5º C. Keep the pH-value from 8.1 to 8.4 and the specific gravity in the 1.020-1.025 range. 

The Foxface Rabbitfish can look discolored when it is acclimatizing to a new home and this should not be perceived as illness. It can for instance develop spots, but they will go away when the fish feels more at home and has grown accustomed to the conditions in your aquarium. The spots can also appear if the light is suddenly turned on in the aquarium or if the fish is stressed by something, e.g. unsuitable water quality or bullying tank mates. 

This fish is capable of inflicting painful venomous stings and must therefore be handled with caution.

Feeding Foxface Rabbitfish

The Foxface Rabbitfish lives chiefly on algae and other herbivore food in the wild. It can also nip at and even eat some soft and hard coral polyps. Juveniles are known to feed on algae growing on the dead bases of Acropora corals.

In the aquarium, it is important to provide the fish with a varied diet. You can for instance combine algae based pellets and flakes with fresh vegetables. Ideally encourage natural algae growth in the aquarium to make it possible for the Foxface Rabbitfish to carry out its normal grazing behavior.

Breeding Foxface Rabbitfish

This is an egg laying species. Foxface Rabbitfishes form pairs when they are about 10 cm / 4 in long. The pairs are believed to last until a partner dies.

Rabbitfish Articles

Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus uspi)
Coral Rabbitfish (Siganus corallinus)
Magnificent Rabbitfish (Siganus magnifica)
Onespot Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus unimaculatus)
Virgate Rabbitfish (Siganus virgatus)


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