Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish
Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish

Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish

Siganus uspi

Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish

Siganus uspi is known under several different names, such as Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish, Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish, Fiji Bicolor Rabbitfish, Bicolored Foxface, Bicolor Foxface, Fiji Foxface, Uspi Rabbitfish, Uspi Spinefoot, Lo Uspi, Lo Uspae, and Siganus Uspi.

Siganus uspi has not been evaluated for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

This is a venomous species.

Geographical distribution, habitat and habits

The Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish lives in the Western Pacific and is considered endemic to the waters of Fiji. Occasional specimens have however been found in New Caledonia.

This is a reef associated specimen that can be found among hard corals at the faces of drop-offs at reef edges and in deep pools inside reef crests. Juveniles form schools while adult specimens live in pairs.

Size and appearance

The largest scientifically measured Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish was 24.0 cm / 9 in.

The front two-thirds of the body are of a dark purplish brown shade, while the posterior one-third is yellow.

Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish care

It is not advisable to house Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish in aquariums smaller than 70 gallons / 265 liters. This fish needs plenty of space to swim around in as well as several suitable hiding spots. It is fairly hardy and can be kept even in newly established aquariums.

The Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish can be kept with other peaceful species in a community aquarium. It can also be housed with more aggressive species, because they will usually fear the venomous spines too much to attack the rabbitfish.

Do not combine it with other rabbitfishes. Juvenile specimens should be allowed to form schools consisting of its own species, while adult fish prefers to be kept singly or in pairs.  
This species is considered reef compatible with caution. It is important to keep your Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish well fed, because hungry specimens can start eating or at least nip at zoanthids, stony corals with large polyps, and some soft coral polyps in the aquarium.

The recommended water temperature when keeping Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish is 72-78° F / 22-25.5° C. The pH-value should be 8.1-8.4 and the specific gravity 1.020-1.025.

Be careful when handling the Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish, because it is venomous and can deliver a painful sting. If you are stung, soak the area in hot water (as hot as you can stand without getting burned). If you are allergic to the venom you can develop a serious reaction so immediate medical attention is strongly recommended. Do not wait for serious symptoms to develop. 

Feeding Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish

The Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish is an omnivore species and a large portion of its diet consists of seaweed in the wild. Encourage natural algae growth in the aquarium since this makes it possible for the fish to carry outs its natural grazing behavior. This species is for instance known to eat hair algae and caulerpa. Supplement the natural algae growth with algae and algae based foods and fresh vegetables to make sure that your fish gets enough nutrition.  

If not well fed, the Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish may start eating or at least nipping zoanthids, stony corals with large polyps, and some soft coral polyps in the aquarium.

Breeding Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish

The Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish is an egg-laying species. 

Rabbitfish Articles

Coral Rabbitfish (Siganus corallinus)
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Onespot Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus unimaculatus)
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