Crenicichla adspersa Crenicichla adspersa


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Crenicichla adspersa

Species name: Crenicichla adspersa

Synonym: Crenicichla funebris

Common Names:

Family: Cichlidae

Order: Perciformes (perch-likes)

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max. size: 30 cm / 12-13 inches

Environment: Freshwater

Origin: South America. Amazon River basin, in the Guaporé River basin.

Temperament: Aggressive predatory fish.

Company: Other fish that is to big to be consider food, For example large south American Cichlids.

Water parameters: pH 6.5-7.0, temperature 26-28°C / 78 - 82° F

Aquarium setup: Large aquariums are required for this relatively large species. 150-180 G is recommended for adult fishes. Aquarium should contain a lot of long narrow hiding places which is best created with the use of PVC Pipes. One to three inch diameter PVC piping cut into 6-8 inch lengths, or somewhat larger than the fish you are keeping works well. There should be at least one pipe/hiding place per fish, however more is preferable. Since this is a large predatory fish good circulation and regular water changes of 25- 40% is a must.

Feeding: Live food. The species can learn to eat frozen food and pellets, this is however much easier to accomplish with young specimens.

Breeding: No info about this species.

General info about breeding pike cichlids: The hardest part is getting a compatible couple. It’s recommended to get a group of juvenile specimens end let them form pairs on there own. Introducing adult specimens to each other is combined with risks due to aggression. Condition the pair with lots of high quality food. Soft slightly acidic water is recommended. Temperature changes and changes in water conditions might trigger spawning. Eggs are reportedly hung in cave. Fry is raised as for other cichlids. Crenicichlas is usually good parents.

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Crenicichla adspersa