Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan'' (''Mayaca sellowiana'')

Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan'' (''Mayaca sellowiana'')

Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan'' (''Mayaca sellowiana'')

Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan'' (''Mayaca sellowiana'')

Family: Lythraceae
Continent: Asia
Region: South-east Asia
Country of origin:
Height: 10-15 cm
Width: 2-4+ cm
Light requirements: high-very high
Temperature: 20-30 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-hard
pH tolerance: 5,5-8
Growth: fast
Demands: medium

There is some uncertainty about the correct name of this plant. For some time
it has been sold as Mayaca sellowiana, but actually this is Rotala sp.
''Nanjenshan'' (species unknown). It is a graceful plant with needle-shaped
leaves. It requires a relatively large amount of light, and CO2
addition is recommended to promote growth. The most decorative effect is
achieved by planting it in groups. Also suitable for small aquariums.

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