Hygrophila corymbosa ''Siamensis''

Hygrophila corymbosa ''Siamensis''

Hygrophila corymbosa ''Siamensis''

Hygrophila corymbosa ''Siamensis''

Family: Acanthaceae
Continent: Asia
Region: South-east Asia
Country of origin:Thailand
Height: 15-40 cm
Width: 15-20 cm
Light requirements: low-very high
Temperature: 20-28 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-hard
pH tolerance: 5,5-8
Growth: fast
Demands: easy

Under water the leaves are light-green and dense. In open aquariums
Hygrophila corymbosa
''Siamensis'' grows easily above the water surface,
where it forms blue-green leaves and small blue flowers. It grows fast and the
shoots must be pinched out regularly if you want to keep the plant under water.
An extremely hardy plant, suitable for beginners.

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