Tag Archives: fingerprinting

85 Different species of Shark Have Been Genetically Fingerprinted

Researchers have finally been able to genetically map 85 different species of shark which are found in Indian waters.

The DNA mapping of these sharks is thought to be rather significant in terms of being able to identify the most threatened species. Now it will be easier to help manage programs to save them. The program is being headed by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, and is part of an ongoing survey and assessment plan for mapping deep sea species in the Indian Ocean.

India is currentlt the second largest shark fishing nation, many species of shark are killed for their fins, oil and their meat.

The actual genetic fingerprinting of the sharks was done by a team of scientists from the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in conjunction with the Kochi regional center of the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources in Lucknow.

The shark samples were collected in the Gujurat, Tuticorin, Conchin fisheries harbour and also the Neendakara fishing harbour. The researchers were performing the fingerprinting under the direction of the N.G.K. Pillai, of the Pelagic Fisheries Division of the Institute, along with the help of A. Gopalakrishnan of the bureau. Other members on the team included K.K. Bineesh, K.V. Akhilesh and K.A. Sajeela.

This genetic fingerprinting will greatly aid in the identification of the different shark species from tissue samples. Most shark species are found at a depth of around 250 meters and little is actually known about them. This project is aiming to change that, and bring the sharks into the public eye.