Other Fish
In this section of the articles library you will find information about all the fish species that do not fit into any of the other categories here at AC Tropical fish. Some fish species in this section are quite common, such as the different Barbs and Loaches, while others are rare and only found in the aquariums of dedicated enthusiast. To make it easier for you to find what you are looking for in this broad and diverse section, we have created subcategories for some of the larger fish groups, such as Predatory fish.
One of the more commonly kept fish species that you will find in this section of AC Tropical fish is the Clown Loach. Clown Loach is the common name for Botia macracanthus, a beautiful and active fish with a body that is covered in distinct black and vibrant yellow or orange stripes. If you intend to keep a Clown loach it is important that you first find out its requirements, since poorly cared for Clown loaches usually succumb to Ich or other forms of illness. The Clown loach is sensitive and must be provided with supreme water conditions with very low amounts of soluble waste. The aquarium should be at least 100 liters (20 gallons) for a young Clown loach. You clown loach will grow slowly, but sooner or later it will require a 540 liters (125 gallons) aquarium or larger.
When you purchase your Clown loach from the fish store it is probably already quite stressed since it has been wild caught in Indonesia and distributed to your region of the world. When you bring your Clown loach home it is therefore extremely important that you provide it with a home where it can relax and begin to recuperate. Place it in an established aquarium where you know that the mechanical, chemical and biological filtration already work properly. The aquarium must be decorated in a way that creates a lot of hiding places for your Clown loach where it can feel safe and begin to calm down. Clown loaches prefer caves that are so tiny that the fish can barely fit into it. Most Clown loaches will love to get a piece of PVC pipe that is just slightly wider than them. Since your Clown Loach comes from waters that has a strong current, it will appreciate high water circulation in the aquarium.
Some of the less commonly kept fish species that you will find information about in this section are the fascinating Arowana species. Arowanas are also known as Dragon Fish and are large carnivores that require a huge aquarium do to well. Due to their size, they are not commonly kept by hobbyist aquarists. The normal size for an Arowana is 60-75 centimetres (24-30 inches), but some species will grow up to 120 centimetres (48 inches). Arowanas are violent and aggressive and will consider pretty much anything as food. An Arowana can be kept in a community aquarium, as long as you are okay with the fact that the community will gradually decrease until it contains of no other member than a well-fed Arowana. In the wild, some Arowana species are known to jump out of the water and catch insects in trees and your aquarium must therefore be equipped with a good lid to keep the Arowana inside.
Fish Articles
Australian Rainbow fish - Breeding and raising the Australian Rainbow fish, Pseudomugil gertrudae and Pseudomugil signifer.
Breeding Chapalichthys pardalis - These goodeids are easy to breed, and they leave their young alone.
Breeding the Sailfin Goodeid - Girardinichthis viviparous - How to breed this seldom seen and difficult fish.
Bumblebee grouper - Information on how to keep bumblebee groupers.
Chinese high fin banded shark, Chinese sucker - Myxocyprinus asiaticus - Information about this endangered species.
Clown Loaches - how to keep, breed and feed clown loaches
Coelacanths - A comprehensive overview of Coelacanths - The fish time forgot.
Fire Eels - Information about keeping and breeding fire eels
Hagfish - An introduction to hagfish.
Minnows - An article about the group of fish called Minnows
Peacock Eels - An introduction to Peacock eels
Rainbowfish - An introduction to Rainbowfish
Rainbow fish Problems? - Read This - Dave points out that diet is the most important factor in keeping them healthy.
Red Belly Pacu - Information about Red Belly Pacu
Red tail sharks and their native home - An article about keeping Red tail sharks in aquariums and about their native home.
Sand Loaches - Breeding an inexpensive but uncommon loach, Acanthocobitis uropthalmus.
Scatophagus argus - How to treat their water, acclimatise them to fresh water, and feed them
spawning Chinese algae-eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) - An account of an accidental spawning
Tiretrack Eels - An guide to keeping and breeding tiretrack eels.
Fish Profiles:
Loach Profiles
Other Species Profiles