Keyhole Angelfish
Keyhole Angelfish – Centropyge tibicen

Keyhole Angelfish – Centropyge tibicen

Species Name: Centropyge tibicen

Synonyms: C. tibicens

Common Names: Keyhole Angelfish, Melas Angelfish

Family: Pomacanthidae

Order: Perciformes (perch-likes)

Class: Acinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max.Size: 7.5 inches / 19cm

Environment: Reef, Depth 4-55m

Origin: Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific


Temperament: Semi Aggressive

Company: Will bully other Centropyge species ond other fish added to the tank after it.

Aquarium Setup: 55gal minimum.

Food: Spirulina and marine algae along with meatier foods like Mysids and Brine Shrimp, feeds frequently on diatoms.

Breeding: Not captive bred. Males may display a more bluish hue.

Centropyge tibicen
Centropyge tibicen - Copyright

Keyhole Angelfish
Keyhole Angelfish - Copyright