German Blue Ram - Microgeophagus ramirezi
By: jbeining75pecies name: Microgeophagus ramirezi
Common name: German Blue Ram, Blue Ram, Ramirezi dwarf cichlid, Asian Ram, and dwarf ram.
Family: Cichildae
Order: Perciformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Maximum size: Males 3 inches females generally slightly smaller
Environment: Freshwater
Origin: South America, Venezuela and Columbia
Temperament: Peaceful
Company: A planted community tank with plenty of hiding spots is best. This species can be kept with tetra, danios, livebearers, gourami, angels, loaches and most other peaceful community fish species.
Water parameters: pH 6.4 – 7.0 although lower pH is preferred, soft water and water temperatures of 72-80 F
Aquarium setup: Aquarium size of 30 gallons with plenty of leafy plants and hiding places such as caves or rocks will do best.
Feeding: These rams are omnivores and accept pellets, bloodworms, tubifex worms, brine shrimp or mysis along with wafers which they will pick at. Best feed with sinking pellets.
Breeding: Once paired after courting they will generally clean off a rock at the spawning point. Some will lay on the rock some just lay in the substrate. Rams are not the best parents and removed fry generally have a lower mortality rate.Soft pH changes and a slight cooling of water temperature will often cause a pair to spawn. Best to start with 6 of so in a community tank to get a successful pairing.Peat will also encourage spawning.
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