How to train a Labrador

The Labrador retriever is one of the most reliable dogs and is commonly used for hunting, search and rescue, guidance and service for the disabled, retrieving, and even police work. Since this breed of dog is easily trained, positive conditioning is recommended. Labradors are smart dogs and they love to please their owner. They can be trained without any harsh methods. How to train a Labrador? Give it a lot of praise, be consequent and make the training sessions fun for both of you.
Believe it or not, Labradors see their owner as their partner and a leader. This is because of trust. They trust anything that you will do to them. With that, we can say that Labradors has the ability to listen to instructions, read facial and body expressions, and to remember basic words as they are incorporated with actions. Furthermore, disciplining a Labrador as to how it should behave does not involve hitting and shouting. They are basically sweet, obedient, and eager to learn. Discipline should always be in a gentle but firm manner. Call your dog using its name when you give your commands to make it clear for the dog what’s going on.
You can start by teaching your Labrador puppy how to socialize with people in different places. Labradors are social dogs. They are known for working well with others so it is just right that you allow it to get used to people and animals.
Leash training should be started while the dog is still a puppy. The leash is also very handy to keep your dog in line during other forms of obedience training. Labradors have a tendency to pull on the leash so teach them as early as possible that this is not allowed. Do not use spike or electric collars to train your dog since this is not necessary. Simply stand still when your dog starts pulling and continue to walk as soon as the dog gives up and stops pulling. Soon, the dog will realize that pulling takes it nowhere.
When it comes to basic obedience training, you can start by teaching basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, “fetch” and “come”. Lead your dog to doing it by means of treats or rewards held in your fist. Once it does it correctly, reward it right away and give it lots of praise. Do this repeatedly. Reinforce the command by making it as your condition before you actually give his food. Remember that these basic commands are important because they pave the way for other types of training and create a bond of communication between you and your dog. Sustain the skills through repetition and affirmation to avoid regression of your Labrador retriever. Make your commands simple for easy understanding.
The training process as a whole requires time, patience, and commitment. As you train your lab in to your expectations, you are establishing a relationship with it. Labradors see their trainer as their leader. A positive reinforcement allows your lab to develop its learning attitude, attentiveness and willingness to work.
Always remember that Labrador puppies are filled with energy can get into trouble if left alone most of the time. To avoid this, do not let your Labrador puppy stay at home alone for any longer period of time. It is also important to give it proper outlets for all its energy, such as walks, playtime and training sessions.