Carberryi/Threadfin Anthias
Nemanthias carberryi
Common name: Carberryi Anthias,Threadfin Anthias
Scientific name: Nemanthias carberryi
Max size: 3 in / 7.5 cm
pH: 8.1-8.4
Salinity: 1.020-1.025
Temperature: 72-78ºF (22-26°C)
The Carberryi anthias is a stunning little fish that unfortunately only occasionally is available in the trade. You will likely be able to find it in the trade if you are patient but it make take some time. If you want to keep Carberryi anthias try asking your local fish store to order it for you or try to find and order it online. The Carberryi anthias is also known under the name Threadfin anthias.
The Carberryi anthias has a yellow body with a purple field that stretches over the lower half of the body from the upper part of its head to the bottom of the tailfin peduncle. Females are of an orange yellow color.
The Carberryi anthias is best kept in groups with one male and several females. In the wild they are often found in groups of thousands of fish.
This is a sensitive fish and only advanced marine fish keepers should try to keeping Carberryi anthias. They require frequent feedings and perfect water quality. Carberryi anthias should only be introduced to well established aquariums. They can sometimes have a hard time acclimatizing to a new aquarium. The presence of another anthias species can make the process easier. Give your fish 4 hours to acclimatize before releasing them into your tank.
Carberryi anthias is one of the more aggressive anthias species. They do best if kept alone or with another friendlier anthias species in a large aquarium. If you want to keep them with other fish you should only keep them with small friendly species.
This species is 100% reef safe and usually won't touch even the smallest ornamental shrimp. This makes them ideal reef fish and a reef aquarium containing Carberryi anthias as only fish (perhaps with the exception for a few gobies or dragonets) can be a truly stunning sight.
The Carberryi anthias originates from the western part of the Indian Ocean. It is common around the Maldives and can be found in an area stretching from the Maldives down to South Africa.
Carberryi (Threadfin) Anthias care and aquarium setup
The Carberryi anthias needs a large aquarium despite being a small species. This is due to the fact that they live in open water above reefs and like to swim a lot. They should not be kept in aquariums smaller than 70 gallon / 250 L.
Carberryi anthias prefer an aquarium with plenty of small hiding places among live rock and a lot of open space to swim in. Strong water circulation is important but it is beneficial if there also are a few calmer areas where the fish can rest. They prefer if the aquarium isn't too brightly lit. Excellent water quality is very important when keeping Carberryi anthias
Ideal conditions for the Carberryi anthias are pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025, and temperature 72-78ºF (22- 26°C).
Feeding Carberryi (Threadfin) Anthias
Feeding Carberryi anthias properly is one of the most important factors when it comes to keeping this fish healthy. It the wild they feed on zooplankton and floating filamentous algae. In aquarium they should be feed a varied diet consisting of different very small food types such as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, daphnia, and mysid shrimp. Natural algae growth should be encouraged and supplemented with fresh, frozen or dried algae. They sometimes but not always accept flake food. It is important to feed this species often; at least 4-5 times a day. If they get food too seldom they will eventually die.
Breeding Carberryi (Threadfin) Anthias
The Carberryi anthias is a hermaphrodite species that lives in harems. All fish are born as females. When the male dies the dominant female transforms into a male. This means that you can buy a group of juveniles and be sure to get a harem when they grow up. Although we have heard rumors about Carberryi anthias being successfully bred in aquariums we have not been able to confirm those rumors or find any information on how to breed them in aquariums. It is an egg laying species.
Sexing Carberryi anthias is easy. Males are yellow and purple while the females are single colored yellow/orange.
Anthias Articles
Bartlett's Anthias – Information on how to keep Pseudanthias bartlettorum
Bicolor Anthias – A guide to Pseudanthias bicolor
Lyertail Anthias – How to keep and care for Pseudanthias squamipinnis